Monday, January 30, 2012

Life goes on.

Life has been good.  Working hard on my Martial Arts, some colored pencil, hosting several sleep overs and working on the garden and back patio.  I am on schedule to test for my next belt "Gold".  I am working out harder and never even thought I could do what I am doing now.  I don't even think about where I will be in a year.  I have started learning the 108 movement Tai Chi form and I am loving it.

The house these day is not getting as much attention as some might think it needs.  I am busy doing other things.  I have friends who will be having babies in the near future and I am crocheting baby blankets for them.  One couple who are raising money to adopt will be having a craft fair.  I am going to donate several items that I crochet for them.  So I got lots to do before November.  I have been working like crazy on lots of different pieces.  Caps, scarfs, shawls, lap throws and more shawls something new every day.

That is what I wrote last September and as time does, it slipped away.  So let me catch you up. I tested and got my Gold belt in MMA.  I went on my first Yoga Retreat, muscles hurt that I have not been moving.  I started having some problems while working out.  I started sweating profusely during my workout and while doing things like fixing my hair.  My GP did lots of testing, blood, urine, CAT scan and Ultra Sound.  He sent me to an Endocrinologist.

She repeated some of his testing an had me checking my blood sugar and blood pressure when I had episodes.  I quickly learned my sugar was fine but the blood pressure would spike to over 200 on exertion.  Then drop just as fast when I stopped the activity. She was looking for Phenochromatotis. (Tumor on the Adrenal glands)

Thanksgiving and Christmas passed during this time.  I was getting behind on testing for my next belt because I was afraid to move.  I didn't want to have a stroke or heart attack.  So I put back on some weight during Christmas.  I also felt the depression that had been gone for so long.

I am now a fighter mentally and physically.  And I am fighting for my body and my mind.  I finally got a test back that said I didn't have Phenochromatotis.   The Doctor put me on another blood pressure medicine and I felt better in 2 days.  I am back to fighting for my Green Belt which I have plans to have by the end of February.  I made my appointment with my Heart Doctor hopefully to pinpoint the reason the blood pressure was spiking.

I have come so far in the year of 2011.  It has been a roller coster ride lots of good points and several low moments.  I do feel so much younger than I did last year.  I have so much more energy and love of life.  Thank you God

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